Agnes Narcissus

She holds a Master’s degree in Criminology from the University of Leicester and is currently pursuing a PhD in Sociology at ISCTE-IUL. She is an expert in OSINT and has been conducting research at the ISCTE-IUL MediaLab in the area of ​​disinformation and influence operations. She participates in several European and international working groups in these areas, including the Code of Practice for Disinformation (CoP), led by the European Commission, the Partnership for Countering Influence Operations of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and was a founder and board member of FIMI-ISAC. She is also co-author of the Obsint Guidelines, which seek to bring digital investigation practices in OSINT closer to the ethical commitments and methodological rigor of digital methodologies. She served as a Technical Specialist and Assistant in the 22nd and 23rd governments of Portugal.
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