Data from the Democracy in Xeque Institute on the Israel x Palestine conflict published in Veja Magazine
Written October 26, 2023
Article from Veja Magazine highlighted the data collection carried out by the Instituto Democracia em Xeque on the repercussion of the Israel x Palestine conflict on social media. According to Letícia Capone, Monitoring Director, the data points to a significant search for content on press channels and profiles, especially after the outbreak of the conflict, following the trend that traditional press vehicles are activated in times of crisis, since they carry not only credibility, but updated information in real time.
In relation to political fields segmented by ideology, the extreme right has been using as a narrative related to the Israel x Palestine conflict, the association of Lula and the left with Hamas, while on the left, comments and praise for Brazilian diplomacy stand out, especially after the rescue of Brazilians who were in the region and the vote on the resolution presented by Brazil at the UN Security Council, with twelve countries in favor.
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