Behind the scenes of the legal proceedings against Donald Trump and the battle of narratives on the networks


Published September 1, 2023
This Report describes the facts related to the indictments for questioning the electoral results faced by Donald Trump in the United States, which promise to extend until the 2024 election year, and analyzes the effects of this on the far-right digital networks in Brazil. Based on the understanding that far-right and extremist networks are increasingly cross-border and recognizing the strength of the radical conservatism of the North American right in Brazil and around the world, we believe it is important to continually monitor the construction of harmful and anti-democratic narratives by Donald Trump and allies to understand its implications in the Brazilian political-electoral context. Furthermore, we understand that it is important to monitor the actions of public institutions in the United States in holding political and legal responsibility for the main architects of the initiatives to discredit that country's electoral system and for inciting the coup acts that culminated in the invasion of the Capitol. Learning from this experience can be a valuable instrument for a comparative analysis of the investigation processes in that country and in Brazil, based on the actions carried out by Brazilian institutions within the scope of the coup actions of January 8, 2023 that resulted in the invasion of Praça of the Three Powers in Brasília. Therefore, this report summarizes the facts, the argument of the indictment, the strategies adopted by Donald Trump, including his positions on his social network, and the repercussions of this on Brazilian far-right digital networks.

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